Folktale Week - Paul Bunyan and Magic Owl

It was fun participating in Folktale Week 2018. Day One Prompt - Forest: Paul Bunyan was a giant 40 foot tall lumberjack with superhuman strength, who cut and logged forests with his trusted companion Babe the Blue Ox, across Wisconsin and Michigan. Its been said that Paul, who was born in the state of Michigan (amongst many other states claims) dug holes and filled them with water so that he and Babe could bathe. These holes became the Great Lakes.

Day’s Two and Seven Prompts - Magic and Owl: All the animals in the forest feared the Owl believing her to be full of wisdom and magical powers. They believed that a sample from her magic pot would give them strength, courage and prosperity. After sipping the mixture and listening to the Owl’s wise advise, the animals went away feeling completely changed as if something magical and happened to them. Little did they know, the magic pot was filled only with a mixture of herbs, nuts and vegetables. It was listening to the Owl’s advise that really made them think differently about themselves. The Magic Owl story was written an illustrated by me, Maggie Summers.

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Maggie Summers Paul Bunyan 1.jpg
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